I did something today when it was raining, I’ve never done before. I found a full-length Trump speech on YouTube and I decided to watch it and listen to him.
I’ve been hating on Trump long before he ran for President in 2016, he nearly financially ruined a good friend in the early 2000s. I had some serious skin in the game keeping that friend afloat and in business during that time, while Trump sued this guy into bankruptcy for work that was properly performed and inspected per the contractual agreement. I was even part of the crew that was going to go into NYC to fix the complaint, which turned out to not exist at all. It was just Trump & Co. screwing a small business guy. My friend was certainly not the first.
I ended up digging a 100’ ditch from my friend’s house to the shed on his property to get phone lines electric and Internet in there. I helped him set up with a computer and a server that was being tossed by another client along with illegal copies of software. The guy was broke. The day I was digging the ditch with a pick and shovel it was about 95°, the guy’s wife was force feeding me Gatorade convinced I was going to die. I like digging holes, it really wasn’t all that bad. What was bad, what I was fuming about what was what Trump and his boys were doing to my friend. I got paid, about a year later with a steak dinner at Schlesinger's Steak House in Newburgh. Best steak I ever ate, but I’m digressing.
As previously stated, I’ve been hating on Trump for years, but never bothered to listen to him any more than the sound bites I hear on the news and social media. To be an informed person I had to bite the bullet and listen.
Jesus, what the fuck?! I lasted forty minutes and that was all I could do. This arrogant, condescending, angry old man. A whiny victim, literally making shit up as he rambles. And hate, man, hate and hate and hate. I’m sure people have been hurt maybe killed behind this man’s hate rhetoric.
It’s not the lies, I’m old enough and smart enough to know politicians lie, it’s what they do, just like car mechanics replace spark plugs and computer techs ask, “did you reboot it first?”
But these lies are just the same rehashed reheated grievances and complaints, they provide a snuggly warm blanket for the many that have yet to master, or maybe even try critical thought. And only Trump is speaking the truth to his huddled masses, only he can fix it. He actually said he DID get Mexico to pay for his border wall (a total of 52 miles of new, easily scalable wall) It’s not even hard to fact check this jerk, it’s just that the lies and bullshit come at you like a firehouse. No one could fact check an entire Trump speech. No way that’s possible.
I watched the assemblage of victims drawn to Trump because he tells them it’s not their fault their lives suck, and they have no future. It’s not the billionaire robber-barons—like Trump himself—who are fucking you over, no, it’s the guy who came here to escape the horrors of their native country. It’s Obama and Harris and Biden and who-the-fuck-ever-else he decides to throw into this shit-soup he spews.
But man, it was mostly that sanctimonious condescending voice. That uninterested and uninspired drone.
My one takeaway is simple, if you are going to vote for him, that’s up to you, but have you ever sat and tried to do forty minutes of that shit? I mean, if you can and you still see him as “man, I gotta get me some of that Trump,” than you are seeing something I may just not be smart enough to see.
That's it for me this week, here are some books to check out.
Stay safe, its getting weird out there!
That's his you can believe me because I am sincere voice. It makes me gag every time I hear it
Before I was thirty-five I had spent almost a year of that life off and on in the USA, travelling across much of it. And now from afar I look on in a kind of glazed horror that something such as Trump should garner so much backing in a country I regarded with affection and admiration.
It beggars belief that such an openly narcissistic, self-serving snake oil peddler could ever be considered worthy to grace the White House, even as an unwanted guest. What on earth has happened to the Republican party - the party of Lincoln! - to follow a liar and criminal so avidly?
That the fate of the Free World should rest in the hands of a puppet of Putin's and the choice of an American electorate which even at this late stage cannot suss him out is scary, to say the least.
Was it Toni Morrison who said something along the lines of: mediocre white folk get very frightened when they see and understand the excellence of coloured people?